Call or Visit


18 Mary Street
Noosaville, Queensland, 4566
Ph: (07) 5474-0033

Fax: (07) 5474-0922

Monday – Friday: 8AM – 4:30PM
Saturday: 8:00AM – 11:00AM (On the first and third Saturday of every month)
Sunday: Closed

Closed on all public holidays including the Noosa Show Day

Email Policy

Due to the associated risks when using emails, we do not encourage the use of emails for medical information.

All outgoing emails are password protected.

We do not accept email requests for scripts, referrals, appointment bookings, copies of test results or to discuss any medical conditions. These requests should be made by phoning reception or booking online through our website.

Our email inbox is not monitored constantly, your email will be viewed when possible.