Children’s Health

Weyba Medical Center caters for all aspects of General Practice child health, including baby checks, childhood immunisations, general paediatric consultations and teen health. All of the GPs practising at Weyba are parents themselves and genuinely enjoy interacting with their younger patients.

Men’s Health

A number GPs practising at Weyba have special interests in health issues specific to men, who have a lower life expectancy than women and are more at risk from conditions such as colon cancer, diabetes and chronic lower respiratory disease. Your doctor can provide prostate checks, men’s health assessments and advice on any area of concern.

Women’s Health

A number of GPs practising at Weyba Medical Centre have special interests in health issues affecting women, from endometriosis and fibroids to perimenopause and menopause. Your doctor can assist with cervical screening tests (PAP smears – please book a long consultation) and other health checks specific to women.

Antenatal Care

All doctors practising at Weyba are experienced in providing pre-pregnancy counselling and enojy antenatal shared care approach. Your doctor can also link you in with your preferred private obstetrician or public maternity unit.

Aged Care

Weyba Medical Centre prides itself on providing wholistic care irrespective of your age. All doctors have a wealth of experience in working with and caring for older patients and they look forward to providing care that will optimise your health and vitality.

Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and emphysema can be extremely debilitating. Your Doctor aims to allow you to remain as well as possible for as long as possible. Through an wholistic lens we coordinate complete care which includes screenings, check-ups, monitoring, coordinating referrals, and patient education.

Employment Medicals and Worker’s Health


A range of medical checks, from pre-employment medical assessment screens to driver’s licence medicals can be performed at Weyba Medical Centre.

Work injuries

If you have been injured at work, you can be supported through your recovery. Please note: We do not bill WorkCover directly unless you have a letter accepting your claim, with a claim number and billing information. If you do not have such a letter, we will bill you as normal and you will need to seek reimbursement from your employer or WorkCover.

Iron is an essential part of healthy function in the human body – it is a central part of haemoglobin, which is used to transport oxygen through the bloodstream. Low iron levels can lead to less oxygen being delivered to your cells, which results in patients struggling with lethargy/tiredness. This is typically resolved through dietary modifications or supplements, however in some cases your doctor may decide that an iron infusion is required. Iron infusions can be performed at Weyba Medical Centre, but do incur an extra charge of up to $250.

Iron Infusiuons

Minor Procedures and Surgery

With a dedicated Treatment room, the Weyba Medical Centre can provide a range of procedures in a safe and sterile environment. Examples of procedures we regularly carry out include:

  • Removal of foreign bodies

  • Skin Cancer Surgery

  • Iron infusion

  • Ingrown toenails

  • Wound reviews

Palliative Care

Your GP can be an important central point in your palliative journey, helping you to navigate the services available to you, and providing advice from a doctor you know and trust.

Sexual Health

If you have concerns around your sexual health, we can support you with an STI consultation, providing information, testing, ongoing treatment and referrals as required.

Skin Cancer Care

Your doctor can carry out full preventative skin checks or specific spot or mole checks. Concerning moles or spots will often need a biopsy, which can be performed on the at Weyba Medical Centre. Most doctors can remove small cancers in the surgery. Weyba also has good referral relationships in place with local specialists who can manage more complex skin cancers.

Sports Medicine

At Weyba Medical Centre there are several doctors who have a special interest in treating sports-related injuries. Your doctor will also work closely with local specialists and allied health providers to ensure that you receive a multi-disciplinary approach to your treatment and recovery. Please speak to our friendly reception team to find out which of the doctors at Weyba might suit your particular sporting needs.

Travel Medicine

Most of us love to travel – but a holiday ruined by a health event can be a major problem, so it’s important to check any precautions you should take before you go.

Your doctor and our nursing staff undertake regular professional development to ensure they can offer you the latest recommendations on immunisations and any other precautions for your peace of mind.

Dr Theo Shemansky is also able to provide Yellow Fever vaccinations.


Whether you are planning a holiday, keeping your kids up to date with their childhood immunisations, or having your annual flu jab, Weyba can help. Weyba can provide a range of government-funded vaccinations for children or those over 65, or assist you with prescriptions for other inoculations as required. Weyba is also are a Yellow Fever accredited practice.

Weight loss and Lifestyle Medicine

Your long-term health is crticial to your lifespan and healthspan. Whether you need support with stopping smoking, losing weight or other lifestyle changes, your doctor will take a proactive and supportive approach with motivational counselling and support.